Most of the textile industry focuses on the mass production of cheap and low-quality clothing. Fast fashion is designed to be worn for short periods of time and then thrown away. Unfortunately, this means that tons of clothes end up in landfills every year.
An example of this is Kenya, where large quantities of clothing are received from countries such as the United Kingdom and the EU. These garments that end up in landfills are called "fagia" or junk clothing . The environmental impact of this is huge, as the clothing produced by fast fashion is often made from synthetic materials such as polyester and nylon and these are non-biodegradable, meaning they take hundreds of years to break down.
At FIKA & CO., we believe that we can all leave our mark by reducing waste by buying things that are made to last and only when you need them.
Our OverFlow concept wants to give a second chance to all those garments that were destined to end up on the banks of the Nairobi River. Pieces that were used in collection samples, prototypes, discontinued pieces and surpluses from past collections, now have the chance to stay with you.
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