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Manifiesto Sostenible: producción textil FIKA & Co. (FIKANDCO)
Descubre cómo FIKANDCO lidera la moda sostenible con algodón orgánico, poliéster reciclado y prácticas éticas. Únete a nuestra misión verde en porque más allá de seguir tendencias, nos dedicamos...

Nuevas láminas | Nuevo reto
Empezamos la semana y el mes con más fuerza que nunca. Te presentamos nuestro último reto: hacer 30 piezas creativas en 30 días. Aquí van las primeras de la colección,...

The perfect fusion between fashion, consciousness and art
! Join FIKA & Co. and make a stylish statement. "Seamless Art" is the perfect fusion between fashion, consciousness and art.

Let's talk about design | THE ART AND THE ARTIST
Design is the brand's secret superpower. Design is the heart and soul of FIKA, making clothing more than just fabric and stitching. It is as if each garment had its...

New caps, new designs.
Inspired by the simplicity of FIKA, designed for demanding people and enjoyed by adventurers, our suede caps arrive that will not leave anyone indifferent. Are you going to run out...

ONE of ONE ArtRide Skateboards by Fika & Co.
ArtRide Skateboards, made for the street or for your wall. In our "skateboards" section you can choose between different design options and we also offer you the possibility of customizing...

New DROP 22, new designs, new colors.
Those of you who have known us since the beginning know that design is our thing, so once again we present a small selection of products with new graphics and...